Tuesday, October 30, 2012

100 things #31: Upside down!

Another "Dahlia learns a new trick" photo. Or at least, Dahlia sort of learns a new trick. I wanted a photo of her upside down. She knows "roll over" so getting her to actually STOP in the middle of rolling over was hard. But I succeeded. To a degree.

Rather than looking all cute with her paws curled up next to her, I got a dog who stretched out oddly with her paws waving around awkwardly in the air.

Sony A580 | Tamron 18-200mm | f/3.5 | 1/640 | ISO400 | 18mm

100 things #30: Autumn Dahlia

I really wanted a photo of Dahlia laying with her head cutely buried in some leaves. So out I went with a bunch of hot dogs and my camera and trained her to put her head down and keep it down. I still have work to do if I decide I want to really have her learn it but she picked it up SO quickly. I was super impressed.

Sony A580 | Tamron 18-200mm | f/3.5 | 1/125 | ISO100 | 18mm

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Pit Bull Awareness Day!

Now as anyone who reads this blog knows, I do not have a pit bull.  I have a 50 pound fluffy mutt of unknown origin.  But both Dahlia and I love pit bulls.

Some of her best friends over the years have been pit bulls and she plays well with them.  Here are a few of her favourite pit bull friends.

Jackson is a Pit Bull/Great Dane mix.  We first met him on walks around our local pond.  He and Dahlia have taught he each other so much.  She's taught him that chase is a fun game and he's taught her to not worry so much when another dog leaps on her.




Last year we got to meet the wonderful Nellie.  Nellie is an amazing three-legged pit bull mix who is just the goofiest, silliest, bravest dog I know (seriously...she went up against a wild pig and lived!).


Nellie was a great tugging friend!
Tugging with friends! 


Nellie even got to meet Jackson this year and they had great fun!  quarry11 

This year we got to meet the gorgeous Molly and went on vacation with her, her person, and their other dog.  Molly is an amazingly muscular and fun dog to be around.


Glen Highland Farm
(Photo by Danielle)

So Happy Pit Bull Awareness Day!  I hope everyone who has a Pit Bull or Pit mix had a wonderful day with their dogs!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

100 things #29: Foxy!

I was playing around with my bounce flash last night (something I haven't done since before I got this new camera!). I bought something to attach to it so I could bounce it off it and even use it outside.

This is Dahlia and her favourite toy: her foxy. I think it's Foxy #6 as after awhile they start to rip and the stuffing all comes out and we get her a new one (she has an old foxy for dog class that has no squeaker and almost no stuffing left, but she still loves that thing).

Sony A580 | Minolta 28mm f/2.8 | f/4 | 1/200 | ISO400 | 28mm | Bounce flash

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Not so Wordless Wednesday

Dahlia and I went to another CPE trial this past weekend.  I decided to do something I don't usually do: go to both days of the trial.  I have a tendency to go to one day, do a few runs, and call it a day.  This means that we never really settle into the trial atmosphere and I miss out on the fun of the second day!  Max 200, where we went this time, tends to be a small trial full of a lot of amazing people.  Plus it was the last outdoor trial of the season so I figured why not?

I'm glad I did!

Over the course of the weekend Dahlia and I did 7 runs.  We Q'ed in four of them.  We figured out how to work together really well by the end of the weekend and came very close to getting our full level 1 title.  But I bobbled and she saw a tunnel she wasn't supposed to take and despite my desperate attempts at calling her off of it, she went in anyway.  GAME OVER.

But besides that bobble, we were very successful at running courses (instead of just trotting them).  Some of that I have to thank a fellow competitor for.  She had a dog much like Dahlia and said she never did start line stays with him.  While I can do them (and do them well!) in class, at trials putting her in a sit means she loses all excitement and so comes off the start line incredibly slow.  In our first couple runs (one Q, one not), I put her in a sit and it wasn't until she got to a tunnel that she picked up speed and started looking like the agility dog she's been becoming.

In the later runs when I just held her until the annoying mechanical thing said "GO" and then took off running, she was much faster right from the get-go.

In fact, we finally got that darned Full House Q that's been eluding us all along.  We've just been too slow to get enough points.  This time we got 2 points more than needed and finished under course time.  The first buzzer didn't even go off!  I was very proud of my girl for getting out there and working in the cold (first day) and rain (second day) and giving me her all the entire time.

We ended up with a new title, so Dahlia is now Dahlia CTL1-H, CTL1-R, CTL1-F (Enthusiast titles: Handler, Standard, and Fun).
